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Alpha Wolf

If Gil's already given up, you see little point in involving him. He's never liked land dwellers anyway. You call everyone to the center of the town.

"Alright I got a lot to teach you and there isn't much time. As you all know the Martians are coming here and they won't be interested in peace and love. They'll be taking bets on who can blast more freaks." You say frankly.
"That's pretty judgmental of you. How do you know that they won't accept us and live in peace with us?" one of the freaks asks.
"Because that's not the Martian way! In fact it's not ANYONE'S way! Not anyone sane anyway! The only reason why you freaks are all love and peace and shit, is because Moreau played God with your genetics and socially engineered you all to be pussies. It's not right! But despite my disgust for your way of life, I'm here to get you back in touch with your animalistic sides. Now it's my idea that you could evacuate the town and your other small settlements, take to the jungles, and wage a guerilla war on the Martians. A lot of you are designed for it already. The Martians are poor tacticians and weak immune systems, so the jungle diseases could haveĀ…"

And you realize you're not convincing them.
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