Final Quest Version 2

You glance around the garden, biting your lip slightly. You don't particularly want to leave this place, but you know that you have to - when the king calls, you go, whether you like it or not. Hanging up your sword does not mean that you are any less a subject.

Taking a deep breath, you enter the hut, and get changed into your travelling gear. You are not sure whether to be happy or sad that it still fits you.

You take down your sword and dagger, and slip them both into your belt. You tuck another dagger into a sheath you have on your right boot.

Lastly, you take down a cloak from the wall, and slip it on. Finally, you are ready to leave, and you step out of the hut.

You take another look around the garden, hoping that it will not become too overgrown in your absence. You haven't had many nice things in your life.

You have 1 choice:

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