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Cogitating a quick escape and rudimentary excuse for the same, you call forth a massive fireball from the sky. As it hurtles straight for you, you watch the man's horse rear up as the gruff man stares transfixed at the descending flames. "Just as I planned..." you grin, as you turn invisible and jump out of the way just in time for the huge fireball to incinerate the ground where you had previously stood. You cause the fire to burn ever hotter, though not spreading, and even throw in some electric sparks for effect. The man draws his horse back ever further and finally is joined by the three girls you had seen in the fields earlier. One of the girls looks so stunning in the warm firelight that it causes you to lose concentration just long enough for the pyrotechnics to burn out.

The man dismounts, mouth agape, and stares at the charred earth before the door of his cottage. "Dahmen mussah angah dagah Deeahblay!" escapes his awed lips. He turns to the girls, and they all nod in agreement. They then all approach the outskirts of the blackened ashes and simultaneously bow to the earth, worshipping. It seems you have inadvertently made a holy place, possibly even a pilgramage site! You chuckle and then turn back to the path from which you came - obviously no more could be gained by reappearing here.

After about a 20-minute walk you arrive back at the path you originally left. There is still the illegible sign that points toward the East fork, and there still remains the Northeast fork.

Where will you go?
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