Paco Valdez


Reacting quickly you take a shot at the desert creature. You hit the animal in one shot. You'll eat good tonight, provided that the rider is in fact Gus and not one of the Vigilantes.

You walk over to pick up the hare at about the time that the rider becomes noticable. You breath a sigh of relief when you realise that it is Gus. He gets off his horse and slaps you on the back of the head.

"What the hell where you thinking, boy?!" He scolds you. "You coulnd'ta known that was me approaching. If I'da been someone else you'd be dead right now." He glares at you before walking off with his horse. "Shit," he says.

"But you weren't someone else!" you call after him, carrying the hare over to the fire Annie started.

When you reach Annie she shoots you an evil eye. "You could have told me there was a rider approaching." She says coldly.

"Ah hell," you reply, "You probably knew before I did. You have ears like a bat." Which is true. She always hears things before anyone else. You usualy rely on her senses in this type of matter.

She doesn't say anything. You hand her the hare. "Here," you say, "I caught dinner."

She takes the hare from you and you walk over to Gus while he settles down at the fire side. He lights up his cigar off a flaming stick and offers you a swig of his whiskey flask and you gingerly accept.

The three of you talk more into the night until you pass out. You are awakened by Annie for your turn to keep watch during the night.

You stand there watching the fire for close to an hour when you hear a rider in the distance. You follow the noise to find the rider coming from the area of town. Do you wake your companions or check it out for yourself?
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