Paco Valdez

You pull out your gun and step out of the range of the fires illumination. The rider doesn't stop until they are near to the camp, and then they slow to a trot. As soon as they are within camp range you take aim with your pistol, but when they get within range and dismount, you lower the weapon.

It is a woman. More specificaly it is Claire. Paco Valdez's woman. She looks around nervously, then leads her horse towards the fire. Annie is the first to get up, bringing her rifle to bear in a flash.

"Who goes there!" Annie shouts, waking Gus who stands up slowly.

"Claire Montego." she replies.

"And give me one good reason why I shouldn't shoot you where you stand." Says Annie coldly.

"Because I saved your friends life today by shooting two of the men who were going to kill him." She says.

"I said a good reason." Annie says, getting ready to pull the trigger.

So it was Claire who saved you today. It was she who shot the Vigilantes. And now it looks as though Annie is going to gun her down. You're torn between speaking up to spare her life and staying quiet to extract revenge on her for getting you into this mess in the first place. You don't have much time to decide, though, or Annie will decide for you.
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