Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.


You walk to the appropriate Onyx tablet and place your hand upon it. At once a rush of swirling black clouds circle your body, enveloping you and lifting you high above the ground of Heaven, Jr. You feel power like you NEVER have before coursing through your body as Fred joins you in the air. "Now, remember, you can't mention my name, but you ARE my number one guy! Good luck, Archangel!"

(From this point onward, you must now remember that your powers are Tongues and Invincibility, as it will not be mentioned again, but certain choices may appear that you, on the honor code, may only take if they relate to your powers. And trust me, you'll be duly prompted so that there can be no question about it. So keep it in mind, capiche?)

You have 1 choice:

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