That Gold Watch Again

She grabbed her mom's car keys and jacket and ran out to the car. It was freezing cold. Samantha didn't know whether she should go to Chad's or head straight for the police. She got in the car and found it strange that the car was warm; like some one just used it. Samantha then tried the starting the car. Nothing happened; it was completely dead. Then all of a sudden something fell from the overhead sun blocker. It was a piece of silver and gold paper. The paper felt as cold as ice; it was unbelievable, Samantha thought. The piece of paper had writing on it that said:

"If you want to see your family again, start by looking in the glove compartment."
The letter had a name at the bottom but it was a strange name. It signed, "That Time again."

Samantha opened the glove compartment, and inside was a small present that was rapped up in beautiful Christmas paper. She was nervous to open it up, but if it meant seeing her family again then she was going to do it. She unwrapped it. It was a small box and within the box was a brand new gold watch that ironically did not work. This watch was strange because instead of having the numbers it had a message. The message read, " HO! HO! HO! Merry Christmas! You may find what you're looking for where children think I come from and where some children know I come from. Then arose such a clatter."

Samantha didn't understand the message, but she knew that it would help her in finding her family. She sat in her car thinking. She was concentrating so hard that she forgot to be scared. Then she finally figured it out. THE ROOF!
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