That Gold Watch Again

Samantha ran to the back of her house and into the shed to grab the ladder. By this point she had so much adrenaline that the ladder felt like a feather. She extracted the ladder to the top of the house, and started climbing. She got to the top and saw that there was nothing but snow. She couldn't believe how easily she was able to get the ladder and climb up on the roof. She stated crying; she didn't know what to do any more. She was about to go back down when she heard a voice. It was a deep jolly voice. She couldn't see very well because of the terrible weather, but then the person who made the voice came into sight. It was, believe it or not, SANATA CLAUSE. All of a sudden it stopped snowing, and there was Father Christmas himself sitting on a chair on Samantha's roof.

"Hello Samantha." Said Santa.
"Hello?" replied Samantha with confusion.

"I have to tell you some thing. It is very important. It about your family." Samantha was ready to hear what Santa Clause had to say. Samantha Slowly walked over to Santa and sat on his knee. "It was not me who took your family away. It was you." Said Santa.

"That's impossible how could I have taken away a whole family?" she asked.

"I'll let him explain" Santa pointed.

Samantha looked to where Santa was pointing. There was her boyfriend, Chad. He looked so handsome. It was like he was almost glowing. She ran up to him and gave him a hug.

"The reason for you being responsible for the disappearance of your family is because Santa wanted to show you how Christmas would be without a family. Christmas to me is family and without family it would feel exactly how you felt this morning. In terms of Christmas being about gifts, well, it is. Right this moment is a gift. To have even looking at me is a gift. Your love is a gift. The whole purpose for today was to show you that your family is an ever lasting gift that gets reopened ever Christmas." Chad explained.

Samantha kissed him a huge Christmas kiss.

"Now if you want to see your family again, you just have to figure out what Christmas really means to you, not others." Chad said, seriously looking at the beautiful women standing in front of him.

Samantha closed her eyes thought of the meaning of Christmas. It started getting warm and she could smell freshly baked chocolate chip cookies, and taste eggnog, and hear Christmas bells. She opened her eyes and there was he family sitting in the living room by a huge Christmas tree that was shinning of multi colors. Then there was Chad with a gift in his hand. He gave it to her, whispered in her ear, "Merry Christmas."

She opened the gift and it was a working gold watch that didn't have numbers but it said …
End Of Story