That Gold Watch Again

She ran up her neighbor's veranda and knocked on the door. No one was home. She tried the doorknob and the door opened. She slowly went in and found the phone. It seemed to be working normally. She dialed 911. She quickly asked for assistance. "Hello, I would like to report some missing people," she said.
" Please calm down miss, there will be someone there immediately. When did you notice they were missing?"

Samantha replied, "This morning!! Just know!!"

There was a knock at the neighbor's door. It was the police. Samantha explained everything that she saw, heard, and felt.

" Don't worry we will handle it. MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" the policeman said.

So Samantha sat in the cop car and watched the policeman go into the house and never come out.

(Not much of an ending? Well why don't you try again but next time follow the riddle.)
End Of Story