That Gold Watch Again

She starts walking down the stairs. She cannot believe how quiet it this early in the morning. As she walked into the living room she noticed that the television was on, but it was only showing a blizzard of white noise. Samantha grabbed the remote and changed the channels to only notice that every station was also not working, except for one. One strange channel, displaying a Christmas tree, seemed to be the only one working. It was strange because it was a channel that never worked before, (channel 25). The image of the Christmas tree never seem to change, this was not a regular program. Samantha thought nothing of this, so she decided to look outside to see if she can see the cause of the failed television signal. To her amazement, it was snowing so hard and so much that she could hardly see a meter in front of the window. Samantha was starting to feel hungry so see decided that see might as well have a little breakfast before her family woke up. She went to the fridge and inside the fridge she found that it was filled with just cartons of eggnog. There must have been at least fifty cartons. Was this a dream? Samantha kept thinking to herself. She then opened up the pantry and found it overflowing with boxes of cookies, chocolate chip cookies. Confusion haunted her as she stood there trying to justify this strange phenomenon. So she…….
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