That Gold Watch Again

The night was going so well. She had been waiting for ages for an evening like this to befall.

"Oh Chad, what a perfect night; the wine, the hot bath, and most importantly you." Samantha thought it was strange that Chad did not even react to the comment that she just said.

Samantha just assumed that Chad was caught up in such a beautiful moment that he felt it not necessary to say a word.

As minutes went by, lying in the bath tub, the room all of a sudden went dark and cold. the only light that was present was the moon light beaming through the window. At first, Samantha didn't think anything of it but when it became so cold that her breath was visible, she began to worry.

"Chad? What's going on?" She said. There was no answer. "Chad?" Once again, no answer. She turned her head to look at Chad, and realized that he had his eyes closed. In a panic she yelled, "CHAD!!!" All of a sudden, Samantha felt that the water was getting thicker. She looked down and noticed that the water had turned to blood. She went to scream but nothing was coming out. She tried to move, NOTHING. Samantha was completely frightened, she had no idea what was going on or what she could do. Without warning, she heard a sound. She was completely paralyzed and scared. The noise was coming from Chad's mouth. Ironically, she usually would have been happy to hear that Chad was still alive, but the noise wasn't Chad's voice; it was something else. The noise started as a wind noise pulsing at different intervals. Suddenly, the noise started getting louder and louder.

"Whoo! Whoo! WHOO! WHOOO! Brooo! Broo!"
The noise started getting faster and it started to change.
"Brr! Brr! Brz! Bzz! Bzz!"

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!", Screamed Samantha as she sat up in her warm bed. It was was just a dream. Samantha was still sweating and shivering from that awful nightmare. When she finally came to her senses, she shut her buzzing, alarm clock and then realized what day it was. It was Christmas morning, but it was only 4:00 am. So Samantha decided to...

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