That Gold Watch Again

She quickly ran upstairs, not worrying about the noise she was making. It was now almost 5:30 am, but she didn't care about letting her family sleep. She ran into her mom's room. Strangely, no one was there. She found it odd that on the night table beside the bed was a glass of milk. "My mom doesn't drink milk?" she thought to herself. Then Samantha ran into her uncles' room. NO ONE AGAIN. Her grandparents' room? Not a thing. But peculiarly enough, there was a glass of milk in every room. No one was home, which never happens, thought Samantha. She was getting nervous. It was way to early for her family to be gone.

"Hello!!" yelled Samantha. "Is this some kind of joke!!!?"
Then out of the blue, she heard bells jingling from down stairs. Samantha ran into her room and pick up the phone. By this time she was crying. She wanted to call her boyfriend Chad but the phone was dead. The sounds of the bells were still coming from down stairs. Samantha's heart was beating extremely fast, her breathing was becoming faster. She couldn't take much more of this so she…..
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