That Gold Watch Again

The sound of the bells were still ringing and coming from the back computer room. She slowly made it down to the bottom of the stairs and made her way to the kitchen. Her heart was g beating violently. As soon as Samantha went to grab the door knob of the computer room the bells suddenly stopped. She was startled; she knew that the bell person heard her coming. Still outside the door, she grabbed the closes thing that could be used as a weapon, a baseball bat. With the bat in hand and all the energy developed by her frightened adrenaline, Samantha burst through the door yelling, only to notice an empty room. In fact, it wasn't a completely empty room; there were bells on floor right in front of her. "What is going on", she thought to herself. "No one would have been able to exit the room in that amount of time."

She couldn't take this any more so she…..
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