
"I'll do it." you tell Icelus, "But can you do something about this headache? It's really killing me."
When Icelus turns around, he has a big smile on his face.
"Yes, yes I do have a cure for a mere headache." he chuckles, "You think the great Master of Potions doesn't have a cure for a simple ache in the head?"
He strides over to one of the large shelves and grabs a bottle filled with a crystal clear liquid, looking very much like water.
"Drink this, and the pain should go away for a while." Icelus explains as he gives you the bottle, "After it wears off, your headache will be very dull and go away naturally."
You drink the liquid, almost choking on the bitter potion but you force yourself to drink it all down. Immediately afterwards, your headache vanishes.
"Feel better?" Icelus asks.
"Good." Icelus walks over to one of his cabinets and opens it. He then reaches in and grabs a small bowl of glittering powder, shining like millions of tiny diamonds.
"Now this," Icelus says, "is a gift from my oldest brother, Morpheus. This amazing powder will enable you to fly."
You laugh. "Like pixie dust? Peter Pan! What kind of world is this?"
The tall man looks at you strangely for a minute. "Pixie dust? Never heard of it. But if you're laughing at the unbelievability of it, think again. You're in Somnium, things are different. And, of course, this was also made by Morpheus, who is best known for creating the unbelievable."
He then points to the brass statue you saw earlier.
"That's Morpheus?" you ask.
Icelus nods his head.
"Anyways, you must go immediately." Icelus walks over to you and shakes a handful of the shining dust onto your head.
You don't feel any different.
"Alright." Icelus smiles confidently, "All you need to do is fly westwards, over the mountains, across the plains, and into the land of Illusior. Once there, Phantasos should find you."
"Okay." you say, trying to hide your nervous face.
"Phantasos is very strange, however." Icelus warns you, "He is very clever and likes to play tricks. Try not to fall for them, it might hurt you, or even just send you far away where neither of us can find you."
"Uhhh...right." you nod your head.
"Once you've delivered the bottle, just fly back here. I have some more questions to ask of you."
You nod your head once more. Icelus smiles and hands you the small bottle filled with the glowing blue liquid. He then turns around and begins walking towards the door.
"See you around." he calls back to you as he disappears outside.
"Wait!" you shout. You run to the door and look out, but Icelus is nowhere to be seen...
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