
"Screw this," you mutter to yourself, "I'm not his errand boy."
You start walking out the door and on to the small path leading away from the house.
Immediately a familiar looking wolf comes out of the edge of the forest, snarling ferociously.
You jump up in suprise... and keep going up! The wolf looks at you in frusteration and confusion as you float up into the air. Smiling to yourself, you put your arms forward like Superman and sail onward, over the forest.
"Yahoo!" you yell as the wind rushes by you.
This is great! You have never experienced anything so exciting!

Suddenly, a low, ominous music reaches your ears. You slow down to a stop, floating in mid-air and cocking your head to listen.
The music sounds like it is coming from an organ, with a tune that seems as thought it was from a circus or a fair.
But this was no happy tune. A spooky, icy feeling rode along with it, almost like it was laughing at you, like it knew something terrible was about to happen.
Then you saw him.

"Puppetmaster." you squeak out in a frightened breath. You see the gangly creature rising out of the trees like a ghost, floating upwards as if he was being hoisted up by a set of strings.
The ugly man's mouth was wide open, barring his sharp, yellow teeth.
You scream in horror and shoot off like a bullet in the sky, flying with all your might as fast as you are able.
You hear the Puppetmaster cackle behind you.
"You really think you could get away from me!?" you hear him scream, "Fly coward! Fly back home if you can!"
At the corner of your eye you can see the monster shooting towards you, his long arm outstretched, his bony hand ready to grasp you.
Horrified, you try to fly faster, back to Icelus' house, but the Puppetmaster is firing towards you at an incredible speed, and you realize you will not be able to make it.
"Got you!" you hear him whisper in your ear as his sharp fingernails stab into the back of your skull...
End Of Story