The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

The Scientist

By: sup

The two watched in secret as they saw a woman walking in. She looked similar to Leeko if he were a woman, but she was indeed a lot taller and wore a pure white labcoat.

"Hmm...must have been my imagination." she muttered as she continued to walk into the lab.

" that..." MilaTwo asked.

"Yeah...I think it is. I think she's the woman I ran into in that strange world." Leeko said. "But she looks more like me as a woman now."

"My first taste of freedom in so long and I find my lab collecting dust. Well, guess that's what happens when you mix magic with science." the scientist said as she wiped off some dust with just her finger. "Oh well...can't be helped." she chuckled. "Let's see what's been going on." she said pressing a button as images appeared all over the room showing various rooms.

"Oh my." she said seeing Darious in one part of the house and Tam-Tam and her little group in another. "Seems all manner of subjects I can have my fun with." she chuckled maliciously as she tried to decide which to pick off.
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