The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Targets Aquired

By: Drakin

“This group seems promising,” the tall corgi female muses as the image of Tam-Tam's group enlarges to fill the wall.

Mila could see her original body and Tam-Tam talking in what appeared to be a servants quarters of some sort. At least it looked like more of an 'all-in-one' room with a small kitchen area on one side and chairs and fireplace on the other with a bookcase on the far wall next to a large armchair.

To her mild surprise she also saw Morgana. Last MilaTwo had been aware of her the bat had been turned into a tiny bee hybrid by Tam-Tam. Now she was large enough to see, albeit still only coming up to Tam-Tam's chest in terms of height. She also still had the antenna and four arms of her bee form, but the stinger on her bee abdomen had been blunted, presumably so she wouldn't sting Tam-Tam 'by accident'.

“Quite the odd collection,” the former vixen scientist mused looking them over, “They must have encountered some of the oddities of this place. Oh well, that will make the testing all the more fun.”

MilaTwo reached out with her mind to her original self, and their two memories began to co-mingle...


"I wish you'd just turn me back to normal,” Morgana grumbled as they entered the servants quarters, the faintest tinge of a buzz in her voice, “I look like a freak.”

“Now now, don't be like that,” Tam-Tam smirked, “More hands means more things you can do with them. Besides, I could make you enjoy it if I wanted.”

“You wouldn't dare...”

“Please don't, Mistress,” Mila winced a little at the new title Tam-Tam had made her use, “If you keep messing with her mind Morgan as we know her will become too tangled up with added and removed traits to even be identifiable.”

“I suppose,” Tam-Tam agreed, “And her willful nature does keep things interesting.” She gave Morgana an order to start searching the room while she had a talk with Mila.

“But what about you?” the bovine asked looking the buxom Mila over, “You seem to have taken to all this quite well.”

“Well... I just see little point in fighting this for now,” Mila replied somewhat embarrassed, “You have total control over us. What would trying to fight you accomplish beside being turned into mindless slaves?”

Tam-Tam actually gave a giggle at that, “Well, we certainly don't want that. Nothing is more boring than being surrounded by lackeys and 'yes men' with no original thoughts in their heads. But if you feel helpless I could give you another gift.”

Mila looked cautiously curious.

“If you desire it, you may swear to me your servitude in perpetuity. None of my control, just your choice alone. And if you do so I will grant you power over Morgana in turn. You won't be able to command her to usurp me, but you will be my 'first mate' in a sense with her under you. I've seen you eyeing her. There's a spark there of something I think. And you could indulge all your desire in her as you wish. What do you think?”

Mila tried to ponder this, but it was at that moment her other self made contact, and the knowledge of Leeko, the lab, and the strange scientist came pouring into her mind. Her eyes darted to the corner of the room where they were being watched from, but she only saw a dark gap above a large double door wardrobe.

Tam-Tam was looking for an answer, but the scientist was about to do something, MilaTwo was sure of it.


In the lab the scientist moved a lever of some sort and the view aligned with Mila, a strange cross symbol appearing over her neck. There was a click and both Mila's stiffed a yelp as something struck the original Mila's neck.

The Mila on the screen pulled out what looked to be a dart from her neck, tipped with something that was staining her fingers blue. But she didn't have time to think about it. MilaTwo informed her via their connection the focus had shifted to Tam-Tam and likely the same thing, whatever it was, was about to happen to her.

Choice 1: Mila jumps in front of Tam-Tam, taking a second dart of the unknown chemical without knowing what it will do.

Choice 2: Mila tries to move but is already feeling sluggish and can't stop the dart from striking Tam-Tam.

Choice 3: Morgana by accident steps in front of the second dart and gets hit instead of Tam-Tam.

Choice 4: Leeko can't stand by and witch this happen, and bursts out of the closet to confront the scientist that stole her body.
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