The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Tam-Tam Gets Her Comeuppance

By: sup

A second dart was then fired off as it went for Tam-Tam. Mila tried to go and stop it but her movements faltered as she stumbled to the ground as the dart hit Tam-Tam in the back of her neck.

"Ow. Something bit me." Tam-Tam said as she pulled the dart out. "What the?" she said in confusion.

"What's...happening to me?" Mila groaned as she saw her skin becoming more blue and translucent as it almost seemed like she was melting to the ground. After a few moments, the blue puddle that was Mila soon rose back as some sort of cat slime creature as she looked around. "Okay...this is really weird." she said looking at her new form.

"Mila? that going to happen to me too?" Tam-Tam asked in a panic.

"Not sure. I could have been given something entirely different." Mila said.

"I hope its something that makes her lose control of us." Morgana said.

"This isn't funny! I could be poisoned for all we know." Tam-Tam said looking around in panic.

"If you were, you would have died by now." Morgana said as a grumble came from Tam-Tam's gut as she...
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