The Pirate's Fate: The Expanded Universe

Another Female on the Crew

By: Drakin

The closet door creeks open and MilaTwo found herself face to fave with the same busty vixen scientist Leeko had described, only wearing Leekos now ill-fitting outfit who's shirt failed to come down over her rack.

“Oh dear,” Mogana mused, “This is... well, if not for my own experiences I would say this is quite a strange turn.”

“You're telling me,” Leeko huffed, her voice definitely higher now that the door wasn't between them, “I'm sorry if I seem so anxious, but this is all just so strange. I feel so weird and... uncoordinated.”

“You'll get used to it, providing we can't fix this,” Mila noted eyeing Leeko's nearly exposed breasts which were a pair of melons in size at least. She shook her head dismissively, “Right now we should try to find Darious and warn him. I don't think Tam-Tam is 'mad with power' but she'd have all of us be her playthings if she could manage it. After that we can work on fixing you.”

Leeko sighed. Alright. I'll try to bear it a little longer.” And MilaTwo handed the vixen her hat and the pair set off to look for the captain. Leeko followed behind MilaTwo, her hips unintentionally swishing as she walked. The vixen might have looked a scientist in the lab, but she was built like an idealized princess.

Two more rooms came up with nothing special as they went. She was beginning to feel a bit anxious though, MilaTwo could feel her original body, Morgana, and Tam-Tam had changed directions and were getting closer rather than further away. Apparently the bovine had finally noticed her absence and had set to looking for her.

Though hiding didn't seem practical MilaTwo did pull Leeko into the next room the found and shut the door. Only when they looked around did Leeko gasp.

“It's just like it the lab I saw before.”

The room was indeed a lab much as Leeko had described, with long counters, bottles and jars, and machines of strange design in the corners. Only not all the fires were cold, the jars sat disty in their shelves. The room clearly hadn't been used in quite some time.

Concern outweighing curiosity, MilaTwo pulled Leeko to the far side of the room, entering a closet of sorts filled with more bottles. Maybe if Tam-Tam searched the room and sent Mila's other self she could muster up the will to lie and say there was no one in the closet. Or maybe Tam-Tam might overlook it entirely.

Still, she braced herself as the door to the lab opened and she watched through the crack in the closet door as someone entered.

Choice 1: Tam-Tam, Mila, and Morgana enter, either as they were or transformed more by Tam-Tam's desires.

Choice 2: Darious enters the room, but before they can warn him Tam-Tam's group follows.

Choice 3: The one entering the room is the vixen scientist. Only now she looks more like a taller female version of Leeko.

Choice 4: While hiding Mila feels something drip onto her shoulder. One of the bottles in the closet had spilled and is leaking some unknown chemical onto her.