The absurd, weird universe of zio.

"Cold winter... It's so beautiful she's so scary.. seeing the white pure snow fade into the distance.. the void of unknown, so much beautiful snowy angel fluffy material falling down.. every fear in human history has always been linked to the unknown.. something that's a big problem in my world today.. makes me wonder when-"

Eric lost in his thoughts hearing a crackle sound now from behind him.. he did not dare turn around though.. instead he stood still listening, and...


Eric slung his head behind him now to come face to face with a weird indention in his wall.. there was cracks, multiple cracks that all seemed to be at random to him at first, as he inspected closer he saw the chips of paint and material were all broken up and slightly seemed to be pushed off the wall, the cracks formed jagged lines in a almost bent line pattern... that's when he heard it again: *CRRK* the cracks of the wall shifted, they changed and moved, as he stepped closer squinting at the weird cracks and lines in the wall that's when the voice boomed from the cracks, seeping through them, the cracks shifted as the voice speaks it said:

"What are you.. some kind of clown?"

Eric squints for exactly two seconds finally realizing the cracks are forming as a face.. a sharp toothy face, that's when the comment finally registers to Eric! He now balls a fist and slides his foot forward pointing at the weird crack face in the wall: "I am no clown! I am a man of this establishment the owner! I am the one who will take care of this building till the day I die unholy spirit!" The cracks ruffle breaking apart even more, chips of paint and dry wall fall as it forms a wide grin, Eric stood pointing at the beast! Finally the wall spoke saying "your tag says your a manager.."

Eric slowly let his finger down glaring at the wall as now he balled his other fist looking

"I- the tag is just.. I'm a Co-owner!"

"A Manager is a manager, not a Co-owner.."

"Silence foul beast of the wall! You leave my establishment at once and never return to taint the restaurant of Dala-Lama city in the north section: MEGA-SLICE ™ again!"

The cracked wall now snapped and disfigured as now a large crack split through the wall now a weird small dark gray creature sprung out and slung itself to the floor rolling slightly, it reels it's body up slowly with a deep chuckle as it's head now snaps, two small eyes look at Eric! A large grin slowly spreads on the head of the creature as now it begins to just stand there looking.. it then states: "aren't clowns supposed to be.. funny?"

Eric now slides his foot to the left and twists his neck side to side cracking sounds rush out.

"I have a rare skin condition... It made my skin albino in color okay? But yeah.. make fun of that since that's the only thing you can come up with huh Beasty? Says the one who looks like god over Cooked him!"

The beasts smile shifted to a frown within a instant as now it started cracking his spikey knuckles, he took a single step forward with the sheer intent of death in its eyes, but before he could place down its foot for a second step Eric instantly appeared right in his face! He glares at the creature! It seemed like it wasn't phased, it just stares back slowly forming a sickly large smile again . . . What he looked at was no animal, no beast.. this was some sick nightmare, and he was ready to bash it's brains in...
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