The absurd, weird universe of zio.

That crack.... THAT DAMN CRACK what if your blamed for it?! What would erDICK DO TO YOU-- Buchi sits outside the restaurant twiddling his fingers thinking of every scenario possible about that crack in the wall.. it was just.. off! There's one thing he knows though.. he surely didn't fucking do it! Grande sits beside you, he just stares off into the distance as Incubo catches snow flakes with his tongue, Grande now sighs and leans back slightly looking at Buchi.

"Dude.. it's a fucking crack.."

"I.. I know.. it's just.. there's been a lot of stress on me lately okay.. I just need to make sure I don't fuck up again.."

Grande now sighed turning off into the distance again: "Well.. doesn't mean you act like a psycho.. your a grown man, there's no need for that.."

Incubo now jerks his head at the all the sudden sad sacks: "hey y'all two mopers get your AsSeS up and let's goooo.."

Grande and Buchi look at Incubo who was just standing in the snow and kinda smiled, Grande patted Buchi's back twice and then spring up stretching, he walked now shortly Buchi followed and they went out on a night in the town! They spent it going to several karaoke bars, regular bars, anime theme bars and then a bar that was inside a bigger bar! That was called:
"the Big brother and little sister Bar!" It was a night of drinking, bad singing, possible STDs and fun! You know something we all have ever once in a while.