The absurd, weird universe of zio.

Eric now shifts walking back to his desk suddenly, he grasps a fresh bottle of water on his table since he had multiple just sitting on top almost like a forest of water bottles! The wall demon just watches with a glare as Eric stares at his water bottle . . . . Eric now opened the bottle after some time and sipped it, when he did he turned back to the demon with a grin! The dark gray humanoid creature now spoke: "what the hell was that.."

Eric stated: "my mother told me one time, to get a bottle of water, so I did.. she told me to think of something I love the most while looking at the water, she said then to think of something inside yourself your proud of while looking at that water.. so I did.. she said now to open the bottle drink all the love... It was the best damn tasting water I've ever had.. and I just remembered that moment as I took a sip..."

The monster muttered something under his breath before crouching down slightly it now launched off the floor and flung at Eric, he spun mid air sending a kick to Eric's head!, Eric's arm flung up clashing with the creatures calf as now from the force in the air the monster sent a kick to his gut! This was grasped as now Eric spun rapidly he flung the beast into the wall at the side of him! As soon as the creature hit the wall he seeped through vanishing. . . . Then he heard a crack against the wall, the monsters hand emerges! It stretched long and fast bursting towards Eric's head, Eric now stepped back sliding before catching the finger that would of impaled him.. it's long nail dig into his cheeks skin, some blood trickle's out as Eric reels his head to the left to look at the opening in the wall where the demon was cutting his cheek further but he didn't seem to care, he now yanked his head back and snapped the finger of the creature, it's hand jolts and rips out his grasp surging back into the wall!

Eric stood for a moment the crack in the wall sealed back to normal.. he took a step back now and licked the blood coming from his pale cheek he now looked around in circles but there was nothing... Nothing over by his desk, nothing by his cabi- *CRRrrCK* He jolted around to his right where he saw a blur of gray lash out from the wall to his legs, Eric flipped backwards before jumping into the air his head almost hitting the roof, another arm came out the wall Infront of him ready to grasp him! Eric flipped in the air facing his legs to the hand and tucked them to his gut as now the palm of the giant hand came he blasted his heels into it flinging towards the wall behind him, he was too fast for it to catch his feet! He faces the wall getting ready, he knew it would come out from the wall and it surely did, the beast with his completely healed hand and all lunges out the cracked wall and grasped his shirt for exactly a nano second before Eric's knuckles blasted into the jaw of the creature, the monsters jaw bent and snapped in half from the punch as his body was ripped from the wall and shot into the roof where he sunk near instantly!
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