Superheroes are Normal?

After the starting bell rang, the whole class was seated and the classroom became eerily quiet. You sat in your seat, and waited patiently for something to actually happen. Where was the teacher? Are you just gonna sit here for the rest of the day in absolute awkward silence?

After a minute or two, the classroom door suddenly crashed open, only to reveal a man that looked incredibly sleep-deprived with a prominent 5 o’clock shadow, and some serious eye bags. You were pretty worried about the man’s health and well-being, until he opened his mouth to speak.

“Hey, so...I’m Mr. Coffins, and I’m going to be your teacher for the rest of the year...I’m not going to really do anything today though...because my sleep paralysis demon and I had a long talk last guys can go around and...I dunno...say your names...and your power...and other crap...I’ll be in the teachers lounge if a fight breaks out or something.” His voice was monotonous and strict in a way, but all of the students still really wanted to laugh when he mentioned his so-called “sleep paralysis demon”.

Your teacher, Mr. Coffins, then trudged his way out of the classroom while groaning in an overly-dramatic volume. Was he acting? You weren’t so sure about that. The classroom was silent for a moment, but then a loud and clear voice sounded from a girl in the front with glasses. Her words were kind of pitchy, but it was nice for a voice to break the previously awkward atmosphere.

“S-so! Who wants to go first? We can go clockwise around the classroom from whoever wants to go…?” The girl had lost her confidence by the end of her sentence, but many students still appreciated her bravery.

There was a few seconds of silence, then there was a rough and ear-bleeding screech of a chair being pushed back. Everyone looked into the direction the sound came from.

Wouldn’t you know it.

“MY NAME’S AXEL!” The red eyes of the boy peered down on everyone in disgust.

The students were pretty shocked, but gestured to him to go on about his power, and maybe some other things about him.

“My power is simple,” He started, “I sweat nitroglycerin, so I can make EXPLOSIONS!” The boy cackled like a madman, but you found it quite funny, because he looked ridiculous.

The boy continued on, “My hometown’s in Boston, where all of the toughest heroes are born! So everyone in this class better watch it! I’m going to be number one, and none of you are going to stop me, got it?” He finished, then roughly plopped back into his seat.

For the rest of the class, most of the students stood up and introduced themselves, but a few of them really caught your attention in different ways. All of them seemed to stand out from all of the others, whether it be power or personality, they just...stood out.

The first was a girl named Effie, and she really got the class smiling because of her bubbly self. She had shimmering blue eyes with her hair dyed white and cut short. Her complexion was fair, and her skin almost seemed too perfect for a high schooler. The only sign of a flaw was a single freckle on her cheek, and that’s not even a flaw, now that you think back on it. Her power enables her to make whatever she draws come to life, or become three-dimensional. She said she’s from LA, and her mom is an interior designer, which you thought makes sense because of Effie’s power to create literally anything with only a simple writing utensil.

The next was another girl named Tinsley, who was very...mysterious? She had darker skin, and a pair of sharp, pitch dark eyes that seemed to read everyone in the classroom like it was her favorite novel. Her hair was what really caught your attention, because it was incredibly long and dyed vibrant red. Turns out, that her hair was a part of her power, which caught you off guard even more. She’s able to make her hair into sentient spikes that can be as hard as diamond. She could also extend the sentient hair-spikes to attack anything around a fifteen feet radius. She also noted that she was a country girl from Texas, and she really liked taking care of her horse back at her home, Nickel.

There was also a tall-ish boy who made you raise a brow. He was quiet, and it felt like he really didn’t want to be there, in fact, it almost felt like he was forced to be in that classroom. His skin was extremely pale, and a small scar could be made out on his face, going from his left upper cheek bone, to stop right under his eye. His hair seemed to be a navy color, but there were streaks of platinum blonde standing out from the dark parts of his hair. The thing you found weird was...his hair didn’t seem to be dyed that way, in fact, it seemed to be growing in like that. He spoke to the class about his power, a power which left everyone in awe. He could control sunlight, but also darkness as well, making him a strong opponent no matter what time of the day it is. He mentioned that his father was also the number three hero in the entire country, and that he was from Michigan. Now that you realized it...he never did say what his name was. Maybe you should try to talk to him later to find out?

Speaking of talking and getting to know people, the lunch bell had finally rang, and everybody quickly rushed out of their seats so they could get their nasty cafeteria food. Though, you did hear that this school's food wasn’t THAT bad compared to some other schools.

You packed up your stuff, and you took your time in making your way to the cafeteria. This will be the perfect time to get to know people!

You have 1 choice:

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