Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The Middle Mary Sue

You run as fast as you can and leap with all your might. There is a worrying moment when you lose your footing slightly, but you sail clear over the hairy heads of the overgrown arachnids, landing safely on the trail outside the circle.

Once safely on the ground, you scarper hell for leather away, muttering praises to God for getting you out of there. When you judge yourself to be a safe distance from the spiders, you halt, panting. You are terribly thirsty: from the sprinting, and from the terrible closeness of the air.

In front of you is a wide, dark stream coursing across the path. The water looks dark and unhealthy, but there is nothing else to drink. On the other hand, the spiders might be following you...

Do you drink? Or do you try to escape the forest and its spiders first?

You have 2 choices:

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