The Paradox Factor
Terry runs his fingers through his hair and looks up at you. Your dormroom is messy with all of the things you would expect for two young men living away from home for the first time. The fact that the two young men are studying physics and biology add a few unique things to the room.
"You mean if a subject went through with the memory unlocking even if the paradox factor was high?", he asks you.
"Ummmm...ya, what would happen?", you ask with a little hesitancy.
"Well, it could just boot him from the system, I suppose. But all that power through the brain, it could seriously hurt a person's stability. They could lose all sense of reality. In a way, this alone would clear the paradox. If nothing happens, the paradox would be preserved, if the person was killed or driven mad, it would also be preserved."
"You mean if a subject went through with the memory unlocking even if the paradox factor was high?", he asks you.
"Ummmm...ya, what would happen?", you ask with a little hesitancy.
"Well, it could just boot him from the system, I suppose. But all that power through the brain, it could seriously hurt a person's stability. They could lose all sense of reality. In a way, this alone would clear the paradox. If nothing happens, the paradox would be preserved, if the person was killed or driven mad, it would also be preserved."