And All Things Will End

You rush to the door and attempt to unlatch it. You fumble for a brief moment, and decide to smash it open instead. The door gives way after the second blow and you throw yourself into the black. The night has bled its darkness on this town, and you can naught but see that which is directly in front of you. A male voice slowly growing louder echoes from behind, and your head swivels around.

You turn and see Hunter upright, eyes white covered with blood. His mouth is open wide, lower jaw hanging loosely.

"The mines! We have to go to the mines!" The words form around his scream. He sprints toward you, with speed and clarity not befitting a man that has just awoken. You hastily move from his path, and he does not break his stride as he sprints into the night.

Aela sprints after him. You follow.

You feel millions of eyes upon your back. Skittering and the crackling of skin pierce the black.

You have 1 choice:

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