And All Things Will End

You run wildly into the black, trying to keep Hunter within your range of vision. This is a difficult task as he is running like a madman and almost outpaces you. You follow him as he winds through alleyways and vaults through roads, the nature of the path known only to himself. Behind you, the drooling of thousands splatters against the cobbled stone, a noise only slightly drowned out by the merciless pounding of flesh against the ground.

At length, your journey ends. Hunter comes to a stop before a black gaping maw that leads into the depths. The mountains tower over you, stretching into the sky and resting their heads against the stars.

Hunter is frantic, gesturing toward the abyss with stilted gestures and looking at you with eyes that bely a scattered brain. This is a far cry from the man you knew earlier.

"In there! We have to go in there! That's how we can..." He is cut off by an animalistic screech that seems to exude from all directions. You tense, the grip on your sword tightening.

"In there? How is that going to help us? We don't even have a lantern! We'll get lost in the black, then ripped to shreds by these beasts!" Aela speaks in quick, uncontrolled bursts punctuated by sharp intakes of breath. Hunter retrieves two torches from his cloak, lights them both, and hands one to Aela. She looks at the torch, then back at him. Her mind has not been changed.

Hunter does not appear to be in a debating mood, and stares back wordlessly. She looks to you for support, as does Hunter.

In the distance a feral cry is heard, strangely human and horiffically animal.
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