The Stanley Parable (Book edition)

*you wake up in Test Chamber 00 (from Portal)*

Hahahahaha! YES! I don't even know what this game is, but I love it! You... trapped in a glass box, with no way out, listening to me talk.... Oh, it's inspired. I couldn't have done it any better myself. What is this game even supposed to be? I can't figure it out. Okay, now I'm curious. Let's go find out what the hell this is.

*encountering the first puzzle*

Ohhh! It's a puzzle! Critical thinking, Stanley. Your forté.

*You solve the puzzle easily: press a button to get to the elevator*


No, actually, you know what? I think that's plenty. I really don't care much to see you stumble through any more of these games, and I highly doubt you're any wiser for the experience. Which is why rather than continue to waste my time, I'm just going to leave you here.

You can pretend you've beaten the game if it makes it any richer for you, but as for me, I've had enough. So, why don't you get cozy in this room, and if you have any grand revolutionary ideas for the perfect video game, you can just sit there and let it ball up inside you for all eternity.

I don't need your advice. I don't need your ratings. And I certainly don't need the validation of a man whose job is to push buttons. I think I'll just go about my business making meaningful cultural contributions to the world. And perhaps every now and then, I'll think back to a man named Stanley who was objectively wrong in every decision he ever made. The thought won't last long.

Goodbye, Stanley. Good luck with your work, and I sincerely hope that everyone lives happily ever after.

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