The Stanley Parable (Book edition)

*Much, much later...two voices are talking*

I wonder what he found.

If what he wanted was to be the leading man in his own story, well, perhaps he's gotten it, down in... wherever he is right now.

I wonder if he's happy with his choice, and if he's learned the heavy cost that comes with it.

He'll understand soon what I was trying to tell him. He needs me, someone who will wrap everything up at the end - to make sense out of the chaos and the fear and the confusion.

That's who I am. That is what I mean to this world.

Oh, yes. Yes, I'll be back. There's no other way. Once this ends, after it all comes to a close, then I'll be back.

The end will be here soon. Very soon.

I can wait.

You have 1 choice:

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