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Blind Date

You follow Timmy up the stairs. Granny continues to stare into space and giggle, Mr. Smith continues to watch tv. Neither even notice that you have left.

Timmy walks down the hall and enters a bedroom. There are toys scattered all over the floor and posters on the wall. This is definately a 6-year-old's bedroom. He closes the door and you wait expectantly.

He takes a poster off the wall. Behind the poster you see a plaster wall. Dug into the plaster is a small hole. You lean forward and take a peek in.

You see a blond girl standing in front of a closet. She must have just come out of the shower because she is wearing only a towel! Jackpot!

She has sparkling blue eyes and full, pink lips. You see her pull out an amazingly tight pair of black pants and an even tighter cut-off t-shirt. She walks over to the bed and begins to open her towel...

"Let me see!", shouts Timmy, pushing you out of the way.
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