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Blind Date

He pushes at you. You push back. He pushes at you.

Suddenly, the drywall gives way and the two of you fall into Sara's bedroom in a pile of dust and splinters!!

Sara quickly wraps the towel back around her. You can't think of a thing to say!

Sara's shocked silence is broken as she lets out an ear piercing scream.

Suddenly, Mr. Smith charges into her room. He sees her daughter in a towel and you laying on the floor with his 6-year-old son.

"You son of a...", Mr. Smith begins, advancing towards you.

"No wait! I can explain!", you begin as you jump to your feet.

You barely make it back to your car as the large man chases after you. Luckily the car starts on your first try and you make it home safely.

Well, at least you got to see your date naked!

End Of Story