Quome: Infinite

You backed away from the door, taking a moment to consider what to do. This tunnel was clearly dangerous. Falling down it would most likely result in impalement, splatter marks long the walls, or whatever other kind of death you could think of. However, the tunnel could be shallow and it could hold anything down there- treasure, a new species, anything!

You eventually decide to take a peek down the tunnel. Heading into the tunnel you carefully step between each pike, careful not to impale your feet against them. You soon reach where the tunnel curved down and leaned a bit over the edge, gripping two stalagmites for balance. The tunnel looked to be nearly thirty feet deep, and you couldn't see the bottom because of some... weird glow that encased the bottom of the tunnel. It was as if a whole sun had been stored down there, for the glow was so strong you needed to shield your eyes just to avoid falling blind.

The problem with shielding your eyes with your hand, however, was that you needed a hand to do it. Taking one hand off a stalagmite meant you rested more of your weight on the other... and the stalagmite in your hand soon snapped off the tunnel. You swayed for a moment, fighting to regain balance, before gravity got the best of you and you dropped down, down, into the shining light below.

You have 1 choice:

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