Quome: Infinite

When you place your hand on the doorknob, you notice the doorknob is rough, almost made of sandpaper. Mind you, it let you get a good grip on the thing.

You slowly turned the doorknob, wary of what it might open up to... if it were to open up at all, of course.

You slowly pushed the door.. only to hear it thump softly against something. That was no surprise, of course, but through the crack the door made you saw a dim light. THAT wasn't normal...

You soon pulled, and the door slid open easily. What you saw was... terrifying. The door opened up to some sort of rounded tunnel that was roughly twice the height of the door. It went forward for a few feet before curving steeply downwards, presumably underneath the mountain. Somewhere near the bottom, or end, of this tunnel, came a soft glow. However, the worst part tunnel of this were the stalactites and stalagmites that lined the floor, the walls, the roof, of the tunnel; they were only a few inches long, and were considerably thick, but the fact they lined the tunnel and gave off a very dreadful aura.

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