Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Quome: Infinite

You blacked out.

Well, you probably did. All that you can remember after falling into that hole was everything going white after you fell into the light, then black. You found yourself lying on your back, everything in pain. It felt like your back, especially, had a few broken bones. Is your spine a single bone, or multiple bones? Anyway, you were lying in some sort of field, or somewhere grassy, but you couldn't tell where, for everything was black.

No, not everything was black. Your eyes were closed. When you opened them you were staring up at a beautiful, blue sky. A few small clouds were visible, but the most visible thing in the sky was a bright red door, hardly visible. It had a white door frame and golden doorknob, and appeared to just be... floating there. It looked as if you could move forward you could enter through the door, but you were on the ground.. weren't you?

You must have fallen through the door, despite the door not being visibly connected to anything. Sitting up, you finally got a chance to look around. You were in a large field, beautiful grass as far as you could see... or, as far as it ended in a circle of green and grey mountains. Three places immediately caught your eye. Directly in front of you appeared to be a large village. The houses were relatively small, and the village seemed pretty busy. To your left was a huge forest that covered most of your sideways view. The forest didn't look anything special, but if gave off a very foreboding vibe. To your right was a steep of a mountain with what appeared to be the broken remains of a castle. It looked as if a nuke had struck it.

Where do you go?
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