Gotham's Story

You begin to size the big man up like any other mark. He carries his money in his back pocket, but his bulk will keep you from stealing it without him feeling. However, you notice that every time he steps with his right foot he gains some slack in his pocket. There is your chance. You walk casually forward, timing your steps perfectly. You reach out at just the right moment-
"UBU! Thief!" you hear the girl cry out.
Faster than your eye can see, the bodyguard stops, turns, and lifts you off your feet. His counterpart also begins to advance on you as he rolls his sleeves back. You begin to panic, but then you remember the dagger that you stole. With a jerk, you release the blade from its scabbard and cut yourself free of the man's iron grip. You roll as you hit the ground and you brandish the dagger in an attempt at a defensive stance. You make eye contact with the girl you stole from while recognition and surprise flash across her face.
"You stole my dagger!"
A smug grin grows on your face.
But in a single move, she rushes forward, disarms you, and knocks you to the ground. As you groan in pain, you see her standing over you and flipping the dagger.
"Ubu, Nara," She commands without looking up. "Pick him up."
The two men lift you forcibly by your arms. The one called Ubu whispers to the girl with a thick accent.
"No no," she replies. "I do not want to kill him. He is the perfect recruit for joining or ranks. Healthy, fit, discreet, and he can hold a blade."
Ubu grunts his assent. The girl advances to you to hold your chin in her hand. You can feel her breath on your face, and you are briefly distracted by the attractive color her smile brings to her face.
"Hello, boy," her sweet tone belied by the fierceness of her eyes. "My name is Talia, and I am going to take you to meet my father. But be polite. He hates it when I bring boys home."

You have 1 choice:

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