Gotham's Story

You awake much later with a bag over your head and a sickness in your stomach. The ground beneath you feels uneasy. You bend over- you appear to have straps over your shoulders- and begin to gag.
"Its the chloroform," you hear Talia's voice in front of you. "Try to clear your head. My father will not appreciate your vomit in his helicopter."
As if her words opened a block in his ears, he heard the sound of helicopter blades. From the sound, it appears that the blades are slowing down and you manage to pull yourself together and breath normally. You feel yourself dragged across a long stretch of sand and then a long stretch of stone bricks. You have the sensation of travelling from outside to inside before the bag is ripped off your head.
There is too much for your eyes to take in all at once. You are in a large chamber with a vaulted roof and torch sconces lining the walls. The room is devoid of people- no it is filled. You are able to pick out more and more figures hidden in the shadows as you look around. In front of you on a raised dais is a tall man in extravagant robes with his back turned to you. With the briefest relief of recognition, you notice Talia standing to your right with her body covered in strange armor.
"You have entered a place of greatness," you hear a voice resound throughout the room before your realize that it comes from the figure in front of you. "Few know of its existence and fewer are allowed to enter. My daughter says you are worthy to be in my presence, so i forestall your death for now." The man turns to you. You see dark hair and a dark beard on the face of a man who appears to be in his early thirties. But his eyes, they hold your attention as if by hypnosis. They are the same green as Talia's, but they proclaim an age greater than anyone you have ever met. His mouth barely moves as he talks but his voice continues to fill the room.
"Do you know who we are?" when you nervously shake your head, he continues. "I am Ra's al Ghul, Master of the League of Assassins. We are an organization that roots out, exposes, and eliminates sources of corruption in this world. We train the greatest warriors in the world for this grand mission, and if I allow you to live you will be trained as well. You will be beaten, broken, destroyed and reforged into a weapon for me to wield. In return, you will be able to save this world from the monsters that have plagued it. Do you accept?"
You look to Talia and she gives you an encouraging and expectant nod. For a moment, you remember your parents and that night in the alleyway. Then you reply:
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