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A Renaissance Nightmare

Madison heads towards an RV decorated like a castle. There is a man guarding the door in full knight’s gear. You wonder if that knight is one of the fair’s security, or just a guy in a costume. Madison kisses the man’s steel cheek, and walks into the RV as if she owns the place. The knight stands there motionless.

You follow Madison inside the RV. She is so drunk, she might be mistaken about which RV she’s staying in. On the inside, the décor doesn’t match the outside, but the characters inside do. The RV is covered in trash, and the yellow shag carpet is littered with cigarette burns. The King and Queen of the festival are sitting elegantly at a long gold table, and a dwarf joker sits on a red cooler nearby. The King and Queen of the Renaissance Festival are here! You are so excited, but so nervous to be in front of these festival celebrities. Madison stumbles over to a bed and falls asleep. You suppose she’s in the right RV.

The nobles greet you first. “Good e’en, my lord. Won’t you bow before your Majesties?” the King begins. You do an awkward bow to be polite, and the Queen asks, “What be thy tide?” You tell her your name, and the Queen snorts out a laugh as if your name were a joke. She grabs a turkey leg from the center of the table, and says, “Prithee come hither and join us in an evening feast.” She takes a huge bite out of the turkey leg, and follows it with a swig of Sailor Jerry’s directly from the bottle.

The King has his mouth full of turkey. You glance at the dwarf nearby who is tying a belt around his arm. This place sure is weird. And everyone is so intoxicated. Maybe you should stay and get on their level. It is very exciting to be in the presence of royalty. On the other hand, you got Madison home safe. Maybe you should go back to the bonfire with Chuck.
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