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A Renaissance Nightmare

You sit down at the table to join the feast. The chairs are made out of a magnificent gold and padded with deep purple velvet upholstery. As soon as you get comfortable, leather straps appear from the chairs arms and squeeze on to your own.

“Hey what’s going on?” you demand. You look over to the red cooler and notice that the joker is gone. Suddenly, you feel a sharp prick in your neck. From your peripherals you see a plunger pull back and take your blood with it. The joker forces the plunger down into your neck and your eyes roll behind your head. Are you dreaming? You’re not sure.

Your pupils settle on the ceiling. All you see is yellow light beaming down from the overhead lights. You feel the light dancing on your skin and swirling around you. It warms you; comforts you. You never want to leave the light.

The King forces you into darkness by hovering over you and blocking the light. He smiles with the left half of his face revealing a dead middle tooth. He chuckles with his deep voice. The noise vibrates your skin in deep waves. The boom of his voice fades away slowly, and you feel yourself falling away from him as he continues to hover.

The leather straps from the chair loosen their grip. Your whole body melts into a liquid. Your arms drip down the sides of the chair while the rest of your body slides off the front. You lay in a puddle on the ground, unable to control any movement. Without any will, your body starts sliding together across the shag carpet. It forms one compact, tiny mass. You feel your body regenerating, and you are starting to feel normal again.

Except, you’re not quite normal. You look around you to see a forest of yellow fuzz. You stand at about half the size of the yellow tufts. You look up at the ceiling to see the joker grinning and dancing high above you. The bells on his slippers jingle as he prances around. His feet are fast approaching. You scream and turn to run away from the giant joker, but you trip on one of the large carpet trunks. The joker’s foot comes down hard on your helpless, tiny body, and you lay mangled in the yellow mass. You fade away to the sound of jingling bells. You remain nothing but a red dot in a sea of yellow shag carpet.
End Of Story