A Renaissance Nightmare

You feel the heat of the fire and the bodies dancing around it before you even get to the bonfire. The energy is really flowing tonight! One man is wearing nothing but a raccoon hat and a brown speedo, and he’s banging violently on the bongos. Another is wearing a red kilt, and playing a bagpipe. His huge, hairy stomach expands and retracts to the rhythm of the music. Chuck has already become one with the circle, dancing around the flames and playing her tambourine in sync with her dancing. Somehow, she has already made friends with a forty-year-old woman with a flask, and you watch her chug half the flask and then continue dancing.

You stand in the back and yawn. That bud is kind of making you sleepy: time for a shot. You reach into your backpack to pull out the Honey Jack, and you look up to see the most attractive girl you’ve ever seen at the Renaissance festival. She is short with blonde hair and beautiful makeup. Although she’s not wearing wings, you swear she’s a fairy. “Hi,” she says. “Hi,” you respond, a little flustered. “Hi,” she repeats. She is so cute. You chuckle and say, “Hi,” again. Again she responds, “Hi.” Okay, this is getting annoying. “What’s your name?” you ask, trying to steer the conversation a different way. “Madison,” she responds. “Want to play a drinking game?” “What a cool girl,” you think, and you agree to play the drinking game. “1-2-3 drink,” she says and starts chugging her can of Keystone Light. You laugh and drink with her. “This game is pretty fun,” you remark. “1-2-3 drink,” she continues and proceeds to chug some more of her beer. You play along for a little bit – she is the cutest girl here after all. “Come to my campsite,” Madison slurs out.

Chuck is still just dancing and drinking out of other people’s drinks. You can tell that Madison is super drunk. Where are her friends? Is she all alone? Maybe you should go find Noraa in the woods and get out of this situation. Or maybe you should hang out with Madison some more and make sure she gets home safe. She seems like someone who knows how to have a good time.