Fan Fic: Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?
You have barely arrived in Sydney when you are greeted by a spectacular view of the magnificent Sydney Harbour Bridge. It is the world's widest long-span bridge and the fifth-longest spanning-arch bridge in the world. It carries train, vehicular, and pedestrian traffic across Sydney Harbour, between the Sydney Central Business District (CBD) and the North Shore. Not far from the Sydney Harbour Bridge are the Opera House, Royal Botanic Gardens, Government House, and many other sights.
While taking in nearby Bondi Beach, you notice a drawing of a broken heart in the sand. You also see shoeprints leading away from the drawing. On a hunch, you follow the trail of shoeprints to a house down the road.
From the outside, it appears to be a small brick house. There are flowers growing in the front garden, a white picket fence on either side, and the porch is well-kept. The shoeprints lead up to the door.
You ring the doorbell, and you could not be more surprised by who opens the door...
It's RoboCrook- longtime ACME nemesis, former VILE henchman, and one of Carmen Sandiego's most loyal accomplices!
RoboCrook speaks to you in his deep, robotic, voice.
"Gree-tings. I am not sur-prised you are here. But me- no more thief. I- reformed. Recalibrated. Reprogrammed. Gone le-git many CPU cy-cles ago. Plant flow-ers. Water gar-den. Lis-ten to birds. In past life, many years guilty conscience. Meditation program initiated. Meditation program completed. I pro-cessed error of my ways. No more steal. Now live simple life.
"I re-gret bad things, so I help you. A few days ago I found daugh-ter. Many years ago, when I was still thief, I met woman. We fell in love. Sparks flew at the be-gin-ning. Ev-er-y-thing was per-fect. We even had a lit-tle girl to-ge-ther. But I was internationally want-ed. I could not be there for them the way they need-ed me to. I did not want to be a bad in-flu-ence on my daught-er. I left one night and nev-er came back.
"On-ly recently I was read-y to see her again. I con-tact-ed her and she a-greed to meet me here yes-ter-day. When she told me she be-came a VILE a-gent, I was shocked. She made the same mis-take I did. I tried to talk her out of it. But she was stub-born and got up and left, to an A-mer-i-can city located in the state of Lou-is-iana. It is home to Tulane University. Many people call it 'The Big Easy.' That is all I can di-vulge. Now, please- leave me to my sol-i-tude. And do not step on the daisies on your way out."
Where to next?