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From Darkness It Comes

Yuck, The Sewers

Darrin pulls the grate aside and makes his way into the darkness of the old cement pipe. His shoes slip in and out of the stagnant water as they slip on the mossy sides. The dank smell fills his nostrils, making it hard to breathe. After slipping on another mossy rock around the first bend in the pipe he realizes there is no way the strange man made his way up this pipe without him hearing anything from the outside.

Farther inside the pitch blackness he finds himself stumbling over a couple wooden crates and about three dozen empty beer cans. Appears this is why the grate was pulled aside. Some partiers used this place as a quiet getaway to use, abuse, and who knows what else. There is even some old damp mattress laid out on the tunnel incline. But this is not what he came here to see, or in this case feel.

Further along he pushes, slowly losing any hope of discovering anything about the strange man. Soon he comes to the end of his trip when the cavern ends in a large grate. Only this one is still completely intact. He feels around it for anything useful but only finds the large metal lock that holds it in place. With a sigh of regret he turns around and starts to make his way back out of the tunnel. Past the beers and bongs. Past the stagnant waters. And then past the broken gate.

Stepping out into the dim light of the back walkway he stretches and looks down at his muck covered shoes and hands. He tries to wipe some of the slime off his hands onto the surrounding plants and walls, but the stains are still there. He has resigned himself to things as they are and now looks around for a moment before deciding where to go next.

Why did I even chase after that loser. He thinks to himself. All it got me was filthy. I sure hope I don't run into anyone I know. Or worse yet, some hottie.
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