
You manage to gain the upper hand in this dream battle, but it would appear that Fiona believes in living to fight another day.

"Ohhh, that was hot! The way you fought today was sexy…very well you shall have your life today, but you'll never be rid of me completely. Wherever you go I shall find you, whether it is in the physical realm or the dream one, though perhaps not necessarily to devour your delicious soul." she says and flies off.

You wake up soon only to grab Bogrot by the throat who's wandered near you.

"URK! No hurt Bogrot!"
"What are you doing?!"
"Bogrot was checking on you! Bogrot watch elf, but then you make lots of noise in sleep and move around a lot. Bogrot didn't know if you needed help!"
"…yeah and you came in too late as usual…nevermind just go watch that elf and knock him unconscious again if he wakes up." You say shaking your head and releasing your grip.
"Okay." He responds and head back over to his guard duty.

You go back to sleep muttering "Crazy demon bitch." As you drift off.

You have 1 choice:

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