Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

The rain pounds hard against Normans hood as he screams around dualing corollas, fire from the Buick ripping past the air around him, his trunk swings around as he pulls on his one advantage over the Buick, that of turning radius, the Buick attempts to swing as quickly as Norman but can't pull it off. Norman fires directly into the Buick who takes it and rocks off to the left into the mass of battling corollas. Norman follows, firing as hard as he can, the Buick swings back around firing just as hard. The two cars rocket towards each other, shields lighting up from each others fire.

"Don't let them near the panel!!" Nicole screams as her dark powers clash with Dusty's. Robbie dives into the pile of ninjas and demons as Jourdan runs up over his back and jumps into battle with Steven, their two battle swords clash. Derek swings out his light saber and points it towards Mike who pulls out his own. They circle each other. The Roberek screams as it lumbers towards Burger. Burger's hair flows out as if blown by some magical wind as he mumbles some sort of chant under his breath. Nolan floats above the battle and instantly slams you across the room with the power of his Hawaiian shirt. "You should have known better to think you could best me, you useless imposter." You slam him back across the room as Jourdan swings her sword twice behind her back and then forward as it crashes hard into Steven's sword which pushes him back across the hall. Robbie swings his trident hard, taking out ninjas with each swing, he jumps back out of the fire of one of the demons then jumps forward as he grabs it by the neck and swings it out into a group of demons, destroying all of them. Sparks fly as Derek and Mike trade light saber swings. Behind them Dusty raises a wall of flame around Nicole who uses her dark power to rocket herself over it and knock Dusty across the hall into Burger causing him to accidentally fire off some of his power the wrong way, missing the Roberek but hitting Nicole out of the air. The Roberek roars as it grabs Dusty and lifts him off the floor. Adam and Scott pick this as the opportune moment to scurry under the demon's legs and towards the control panel.

At that moment, the side door blows open. Lee along with about ten scientists and Heather gather at the side of the room. They see the ongoing battle and then move towards the control panel as well. You fling yourself at Nolan and tackle him to the side of the room, blowing out a hole in the side wall. Outside you can see dogfights and rain clashing. Robbie has taken out almost all of the demons and ninjas, the last he stabs with his trident and flings them to the side. He runs past Burger who summons a chant that takes out the legs of the Roberek which falls to it's knees, although it still has Dusty in it's four arms. Dusty screams "LAVA FLOW" creating a large explosion of fire into the chest of the Roberek, knocking it back onto Nicole who had just gotten up. Dusty and Burger look at each other as Steve is knocked across the room above them and then slammed into the floor across from them. They run towards him past Derek who slides across the floor and blocks another swing from Mike. Mike swing his light saber down hard onto Derek's, they lock. Mike looks across the interlocked sabers to Derek, I should have killed you better the first time" "You've changed Mike" "It won't matter much inÂ…" Mike looks up to see 58 seconds left on the screen until the reality weapon is ready to fire. He looks angry as he notices that Scott, Lee, and the scientists at the control panel.

The scientists desperately tap at the console connected to the control panel of the space-time rip. The SPOT maneuvers quickly to the front side of the Gabok trying to stay ahead of it's opponent's firing path while still firing upon it. Inside, vid screans of various squad leaders, Jourdan's view, President Harrison, and Amy surround Jess as she quickly rattles off commands. Harrison speaks up, "Captain White, we have new intell on the reality weapon, it is almost fully charged! What are your people doing in there?!" "Their fighting for our lives President Farr, now let them do their job" "Sir! The Gabok is backing off and changing course out towards the Pacific!" one of the SPOT crew yells to Jess. Jess's eyes narrow, she already knows the words before Farr speaks them. "They are making range to fire the weapon, your people have failed. Initiate Fallen Angel." Jess doesn't look toward the screen. "Follow the Gabok out into the Pacific." She commands.

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