Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

28 seconds remain on the reality weapon screen as Derek and Mike trade saber blows, Mike dives to the right, Derek stays with him. Derek swings hard to the left Mike meets it quicker than Derek expects and then sweep kicks his legs out from under him. Derek's saber rolls away from him. Mike walks slowly towards him. Steve pulls himself back up from the ground, his Hawaiian Shirt glowing a brilliant blue. He looks up to see Nolan floating in midair, crackling with energy. Dusty and Burger run beside Steve. "Together we finish this" Burger says. "NOW" Scott makes it to the console that Lee, Heather, and the scientists are at. "Now be the time fer this" Scott says as he hands the disk to the scientist who slips it into the screen, now at ten seconds. They type quickly.

Mike stands on Derek who grabs for the saber, Mike kicks him in the ribs before he can reach. "I end you tonight Derek" Mike swings his Saber around as he kicks Derek again. Dusty brings up a flame chant as both Steve and Burger slam into Nolan, Nolan blocks Burger's force but cannot balance enough to stop Steve from using the Hawaiian shirt power to grab him. Steve lifts him as Nolan turns toward him, throwing all of his red Hawaiian shirt power into Steve, who slides backward in air still keeping Nolan in a hold with his own. Blue and Red power erupt against each other across the air above the ongoing fight in the hanger. The reality screen clicks down to 5 seconds. Burger quickly grabs onto Steve combining their powers. Steve stops sliding, Dusty joins too.

"Terminate pursuit Captain White now!" President Harrison orders over the vid screen. "There is still time, give the chosen time." She responds, still staring out the forward window of the SPOT. The Gabok now is a few miles out from the Bay Area and Slowly turns toward land. "The time is up, they are about to fire, Fallen Angel will initiate whether you like it or not White." "Your air carriers Nukes will not defeat the Gabok" "There is no other choice White, now do as your ordered or so help me god I will blow you out of the sky as well." Jess turns toward the vid of Harrison, his face red. She calmly speaks "We will handle this." 3 seconds remain, Mike pulls his blade up above Derek's motionless body. Steve Dusty and Burger move closer and closer in the air to Nolan, the force of the two powers creating a loud hum within the Gabok, almost drowning out the dog fighting outside. The scientist working the screen is blown back from the force, Scott and Adam as well, Lee grabs a hold of the control panel, pulling himself up against the force. Heather holds onto him. He looks at the screen. 2 seconds left. "I do not answer to you Farr. And don't you ever threaten me." Jess tells the President of the United States. "Now back off as we handle this." Michael swings his blade down, A blinding white light erupts as Nolan Dusty Burger and Steve slam into each other. Lee looks at the screen, 1 second, Lines of code stream down screen, "Heather! Give it your palm print!" The scientist yells above the scream of the power that envelopes the hull from the clash. Everything goes white. Light and force explode out from the Gabok. Jess and Harrison witness it from the SPOT as it rocks backward. Jourdan's vid screen goes black.

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