Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

The white light fades. All is quite in the Gabok. Seconds pass, the fighters begin to dogfight again. Minutes pass. "Jourdan, status." Jess calls into the vid screen. Everyone is quite above the SPOT. "Jourdan..whatÂ…is yourÂ… status? Minutes pass. Harrison speaks up. "Fallen Angel" "Nothing has happened, the weapon didn't fire." "That doesn't mean it won't." Jourdan's screen blinks back on.

She is holding a light saber against Mike's. His saber just inches from Derek's body. The weapon has been disarmed. Everyone is down, Nolan, Steve, Burger Robbie. Only Jourdan and Mike stand. Saber against saber. The large magnets that swung around the reality weapon have come to a stop. Heater and Lee awake, she jumps to hug him. "Just in time officer Lee!" "no, no no NO NO NO NO NOT NOW, I WILL FIX THIS" Mike screams as he jumps back and then forward hard against Jourdan who meets his saber in the air and then pulls him around with it. She swings again and again, knocking him back towards the hole in the hull of the Gabok. "Mike, by the gods just stop, what are you doing?" Mike swings harder now, desperate. Jourdan blocks twice. "You all don't get it, I can fix it, I can fix this all, we don't have to fight Jourdan!" He swings again, too hard this time. "Mike what are you talking about?" She leads his swing as he runs past following the force of it. The follow through takes him to the edge of the hole in the Gabok. Corollas and demons speed by as the wind blows hard at his cloths. He outstretches his arms. "Ahahaha, I know how I can do this, Once you all see how much better it can be." He smiles and lets himself fall backward out the Gabok into the rain. "MICHAEL" Jourdan screams as she jumps out after him. Mike lands feet first onto a white corollas as it swings away firing upon another corolla. He uses one hand to steady himself and holds his saber in the other. Jourdan lands on a black corolla right behind him, same position. Mike puts his hand to his ear piece communicator, "All units aboard the Gabok, crash the reality weapon, get it back up. Take out the girl, no more shutdowns."

Lightening strikes in the distance as the Buick and Norman close in on each other 30 feet from each other, 25 feet Norman's shield begins to flicker, 15 feet, the Buick's shields dissipates, 10 and Norman begins taking damage to his hood. 5 feet just as the two cars are about to collide, a pop and bright light erupts out of the Buick. It disappears, only smoke remains. Norman swing around in the air, desperately looking for the Buick. Nothing, only the continued dog fighting of the war above San Francisco. He slows. Suddenly he rocks hard from the back, the Buick swings by as Norman desperately tries to dive out of the way. A flash of light and the Buick is gone again. Norman swing around and fires where it used to be. Another flash and Norman takes a shot to the passenger side. Again and again. The Buick flashes back through time and out again quicker than Norman can maneuver. Norman takes hit after hit, desperately trying to keep in the air. The firing has stopped, the Buick is now simply jumping from spot to spot around Norman. Playing with him before launching the final blow.

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