Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

The wind and rain howls as a squadron of bombers take off from the lead air force carrier, quickly gathering escorting jet fighters, you follow the black corollas as they join the escort. You all head toward the Gabok. It's prepared for you however as at least a hundred clones and demons come screaming at your crew. Corollas and jet fighters flame out all around you. Norman opens fire randomly trying to clear space, the radio crackles loudly with commands and screams and the air force carrier lays down cover fire from below opening a route for the bombers who streak past the top deck of the Gabok laying a devastating payload upon the already strained shields. They flicker and begin to break. This is your chance, Norman accelerates past the dog fighting all around toward the crack in the shields. The Z swoops in front as dusty and Derek appear on the deck below. Norman swings down lower. "GO GO GO" Jourdan screams as her and Robbie kick open Norm's doors. Demons swarm the deck below as Robbie slams down first using the power of his Trident to blow out a small area of space. Jourdan lands next followed by Burger. They join backs to Derek and Dusty and begin fighting demons. You open the driver's side door as suddenly the left side of the Z beside you explodes out in flames, it barrels off to the side. You along with Scott and Adam are thrown from Norman as he swings around to asses the threat. Lightening crashes around as Norman sees it, The Buick rises slowly from the dogfight fire behind it. Norman's headlights dim for a second before he opens fire upon the Buick, both cars scream as they swing off to the right, locked in battle. Your able to use the power of the Hawaiian shirt to catch yourself and the Scott and Adam and land the three of you safely in the middle of the circle your friends of created battling the demons. "Everybody good!?" you shout at Adam and Scott. They nod, Scott is wearing a specially created battle armor and helmet, a metal fanny pack is attached to his waist. Inside the fanny pack lays the disk Hector gave you. The plan is to get Scott to the reactor where he can insert the disc and hopefully lock down the time-reality distortion weapon. A couple demons break past Dusty and come towards the three of you. Adam readies himself as you turn, you out reach your hand, your Hawaiian shirt glows blue as you use the power to blow them back off the side of the Gabok. Robbie, Jourdan, Burger, Dusty, and Derek pull in closer as they fight off wave after wave of demons, their backs forming a safe zone for the three of you. Adam pulls out his intell of the Gabok, he looks around and says, "according to this, the reactor should be exactly one floor below us!"
You hear Robbie scream as he slams his trident down upon the floor, cracks split out around it as it gives way. Burger grabs half of the team with his power, you grab the other half. It's a long way down, over half a mile. When you finally reach the floor, you look across the large engine room to see the ginormouse tear in the space time continuum that reaches from the floor to the ceiling, the span of almost the entire Gabok. What look to be floating large magnets float around it, they seem to be regulating it, or perhaps prepping it to fire again like it did to take out Seattle. Your question is answered soon enough when an automated voice comes over the Gabok. "5 minutes to reality tear fire." Across the hall stand Steven, Nicole, The Roberek, Mike, and Nolan in front of what looks like the control panel of the giant weapon. Nolan sees you first. He pulls himself up to float with the raw power of his red Hawaiian shirt. You follow suit with your blue one. The air crackles around the engine room. Mike turns next, he pushes a button and red alarm lights and sirens wale as hundreds of ninjas and demons fill the space between the two parties. They collapse into you and your friends.

You have 1 choice: