Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

Two guards muscle you and Heather into a jail cell, across from you are other cells holding other Mormons. They look like scientists. You pull out your communicator thing Derek gave you. "Who are you?" a woman's voice asks out of it. "Who am I? I'm uh.." "Officer Lee!" Heather helps out. "Right, well my name is Jessica White and I am the Captain of the SPOT and the second in command of the Mormon fleet. I need you to listen carefully and quickly to me. Our good/evil radar has you and Heather pinned down in a jail cell, our intell reports that you are actually surrounded by many other jailed morman scientists. I need you to do two things for me Lee, can you do that?" "Anything for a pretty lady" "Good, I need you to escort Heather out of the Gabok, and I need you to get those scientists to the center of the Gabok, they build a reality weapon in there and I need them to shut it down. Tell them the leprechaun has the key. Now they are fully battle trained Missionaries, so they should be rescuing you right about…" Your jail cell door blows off with a crash beside you. "…now, excellent. May the gods be with you officer."
About 20 Mormons are outside the cell. "Sir we are your escort off of this ship." "My escort? Don't you mean her escort?" "No sir, she comes with us. We need her." "What the hell do you need a little girl for in a battle zone." They look at each other nervously. "The weapon system can only be overridden by the palm of a chosen one." "What about the other chosen one?" "Sir, Mormon policy denotes to never trust in Steve." "So…what?" "Sir, Heather, we.." "You need to take a little girl into a warzone, you people are sick. Well, I'm coming with her." "Sir, we would rather you don't." I'm handcuffed to her, and that's final." The Mormon moves closer "We can fix that." "NOOooOO" Heather yells, and stands with her arms crossed, protecting the handcuff. "Hmph, well I guess the chosen leader has spoken, Lets go save humanity and then get some ice cream" "YEA!" They both smile and walk alongside the somewhat disgruntled Mormans.

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