Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

The rain falls hard as Norman screeches around the flight deck of the SPOT, reorienting so he faces the edge of the deck. The Z pulls next to him. The radio crackles, "Norman 1?" Jourdan answers, "Norman 1 prepped" "Squadron six prepare formation."

Norman gathers speed as the Z follows suit behind, the edge of the deck fast approaches. Jess comes over the radio. "Prepare to follow them in." Norman erupts off the deck and for a split second, as you look down, all you see is the thick cloud cover below you. Its beautiful. Norman dips down towards the cover. You hear a large roar from behind as the SPOT follows. The scene opens before you as you pierce through the cloud cover. Thousands of black and beige corollas scream over and through the air as they battle with white corollas and demons in the air over San Francisco. The Gabok hovers just over the northern part of the city, the golden gate bridge sways under it. The SPOT roars over and past you. It swings its back end around so that it slides through the air long side first. "Engage ENGAGE" you hear Jess's voice over the intercom again. Norman swings low over the bay between dog fights to see an entire fleet of U.S. air force carrier's maneuver within the bay, escorted by pirate ships. They open fire upon the Gabok which swings violently away strait into the oncoming fire of the SPOT. Norman rocks hard as you realize your in the fight as well. He swings around over the water to see a formation of three white corollas chasing after a damaged beige one. Norman swings under volleys of anti aircraft fire as a squadron of black corollas roar by. A few demons dive down to the side of Norman, spitting fire towards him. Norman swings his trunk out of the way and opens fire into them. Swinging around shortly after and diving down behind the three white corollas chasing the fleeing beige corolla. Norman takes out the middle one while the Z drops to his left and takes out another. The third swings around to try and counterattack but is quickly dispatched.

The deck of the SPOT is lit up with activity, crew running between stations as Jess stands from her command chair. "Swing us around to give our main cannons a clear shot." The Gabok rocks hard across the cityscape as it's side swings towards the SPOT in the same fashion the SPOT has come to face it. The two battle carriers hang at each others sides for a moment before they open fire at each other lighting the sky and rain between them on fire.

The rain is coming hard now as Norman swings back low towards the bay. Corolla and demon fire scream all around. He swings low under the bay bridge past the fire of the US Air Force Carriers. Pirate ships surround them as ninjas and pirates fight across the decks of the large ships. Norman pulls up quickly as corolla fire screams from behind him, a few rounds light up his shields. "Holly crap! There's a whole squadron behind us!" Six white corollas chase Norman as he ducks around ongoing dogfights trying to lose the clones. His shield light up again as they take more fire. He swings left around a few San Francisco sky scrapers, below in the city you can see Mormons, Leprechauns, and police clash with demons in the streets. Norman swings across a line of white and black corollas clashing. The squadron of corollas behind you is not letting up and the Z can't seem to pick them off. Norman screams as he gains speed, you can barely see through the rain on the windshield, the wipers do their job and suddenly you see where Norman is going. There's no time to yell as he ducks between the Gabok and SPOT. Huge balls of fire stream through the air all around Norman as he ducks and dodges between the two warring ships. A couple clones behind you flame out as you emerge out the other side of the two battleships and duck under another wave of air craft carrier rounds. The Gabok's shields seem to be straining a lot harder than the SPOT's.

Norman rocks hard again, his own shields starting to dim a bit as he swings around to face the four remaining clones. A thunderous rumble rolls over the car before all four of the clones explode in front of you followed by a squadron of US Jet fighters who scream past, the sheer force of displaced air from them pushes Norman away. You turn the car quickly around to see them swing around and take out a few demons. The radio crackles on "Norman 1, Z, sync up with your escorts, it's time." A squadron of Black corollas surround Norman and the Z. Norman spins around to see the Gabok ahead.

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