Steve3: Twilight of the Chosen

Chapter 3

It was only a few years ago, that day, back even before we knew Norm could fly, well when he wasn't catapulted off of something, but still, it was before all that. Norman was pulled over to the side of the road, out of gas on our way to ----- and a little ways before those lesbian undercover Mormon tow truck drivers came to trade us gas for leprechaun ass. We were stuck out in the middle of nowhere, Robbie and Adam were arguing about something and Burger was of course figuring out what to do. That was when Jourdan somewhat came out of her Mormon ninja shell. Yea…Fun…Truthfully, I was kinda sad when we finally got back on the road.


After we first defeated Nicole in Hell, Adam invited us all over to Santa Cruz, I remember really getting to know Mike and Derek while we were over there. We were good friends, those were good times, what happened?


Swinging Norman around in the sky above California, hanging out in the taco bells on that long drive to Utah, screwing around the Mormon battle-temple, Margaretville and Dusty, Robbie's apartment, that night in Asgard, Jess and the rest of the mormans in the SPOT, especially the nights spent on the outer deck of the SPOT as it flew over the midnight ocean, all of the memories of hanging out and having fun, all your friends new and old, they all flash past you before you snap back.


You realize everyone is already in Norman ready to take off of the SPOT and into battle, Robbie is yelling to you, You run into Norman, you take a split second to look around inside the car, your friends are all around you. You look across to the Z, Dusty and Derek look back. You smile a second, "Dude what are you thinking about?" Robbie asks. "About what I'm fighting for, Robbie." You answer.

You have 1 choice: