Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red

Charmander: "Hey...I have an idea. Since all the shopkeepers are gone, lets go back and rob all their shops!"

Pikachu: "Yeah!"

You and Pikachu turn back towards the direction of Pokemon Square and start heading home. That night, you camp out, and in the morning, you reach Poke- waaait a minute! That's not-

Charmander: "-Pokemon Square!"

Pikachu: "Yes it is! Look! There's the shops, the dojo, the bulliten board, and our base."

Charmander: "But since when did Sneasel run the Storage, Sharpedo run the Wigglytuff Club, and Magikarp run the Dojo?!?"

Pikachu: "What are you talking about? Sneasel and Magikarp have always been there, and Sharpedo runs the Sharpedo Club, not Wigglytuff Club. Where'd you get Wigglytuff from?"

Charmander: "You've got to be kidding me!"

But when you look at Pikachu's face, you see he is dead serious. Now your really freaked out. You take a step backwards.

Charmander: "Wh-what's going on here? Why is everything different? Where's Whiscash when you need him?!?"

Pikachu: "Are you ok? I have an idea. Let's go see Wobbuffet! Maybe he can help!"

Charmander: "Wobbuffet?!?! What the **** is going on?!?! I wanna go home!"

You then throw yourself on the ground and cry. Pikachu squats next to you and tries to reassure you, but you can tell he thinks your insane. As you sit in the grass and cry, and idea comes to you. You decide to...
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